Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Depression Before Spring

Stevens wrote it:

The cock crows
But no queen rises.

The hair of my blonde 
Is dazzling,
As the spittle of cows
Threading the wind.

Ho!  Ho!

But ki-ri-ki
Brings no rou-cou,
No rou-cou-cou.

But no queen comes
In slipper green.

What a freaking weirdo!  I love him.  He's pretty much the only thing getting me through right now.  

I hate stupid money and how it controls me.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I need serious weed

I also need, in no particular order:

Stevens (I have him, he's sitting right here)
my first book manuscript to get published
for someone else to grade these Raisin in the Sun tests
for someone else to grade these vocab quizzes
8 hours of sleep
green foods that are not high school cafeteria jello
skin that is not both acned and wrinkled
long, dense, apocalyptic novels (I don't know either)
Plath (I have her too)
for Alex to please please turn in his Jane Eyre paper it's over three weeks late and I don't want to call your mom again she's psycho
did I mention sleep
for my sister's baby to be born after this job ends
a bathing suit
for my hips to not be rotated tomorrow at my PT appointment 
martinis (can i have a gift certificate for this somehow?)
to fast forward the next two weeks
health insurance
an eye doctor appointment
someone to do my taxes
a dog walker
a permanent job
bodhichitta (I have it I just need to unbury it)

The healer is paid off as of today.  In two weeks I will no longer have income.  A job is hurtling it's way toward me right now.  It should be here any minute.

I'm tired.  And just the tiniest bit drunk.